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Porsche Boxster leather steering wheel kit and shiftboots
Boxster leather Steering Wheel Kits and shiftboots: Covers the spokes in correct color
We have kits available on 1997-10 models.Either in traditional method of sewing oir presewn method
993SW - Stock 4 spoke kit, airbag wheel. 1997-99 $84.95
Presewn option - saves hours of sewing 15.00
BoxSW- 3 spoke wheel kit- all years $84.95
Presewn option - saves hours of sewing 15.00
BoxTIP - 3spoke //Tiptronic option steering wheels. 99-04 $84.95
Presewn option - saves hours of sewing 15.00
997sw - 2003- 10 3 spoke round airbag wheel $89.99
Leather boots
996Alum- kit only for stock 996 knob with aluminum 6 speed emblem wrapping around knob from top to back
You can send in core for free assembly 69.95
996SB - Boot only for wood/carbon fiber 996 (1998-00) fitted knobs. $69.95
997Sb 2003 plus shiftboot -